I joined this awesome idea last month and I was paired with wonderful Samantha from Life Is But A Stream Of Thoughts. She is a very nice 20 year old girl who studies Bio Psychology in North Carolina. Her father is in the US Army and she has a pretty big family. I must say that the pairing was a total success because we both love nail polish! I really enjoyed reading her blog and getting to know her. She is in a sorority and I knew almost nothing about that kind of life (here in Croatia we don't have sororities and we live with our parents until we are 30, lame I know).
So we mailed for two weeks and got to know each other and sent our gifts. The theme we needed to follow this month was "Under the sea" and I will show you now what I've got.
The package (I put some stickers on so you can't see my address ;)) |
Inside and a cute note |
The cutest photo frame ever ! |
I loved this and I already signed up for September! If you are interested in this kinds of stuff and you want to meet people online and send and get cute packages I would advise you to check this out !
Go HERE and sign up !
I hope you will have as much fun as I did.
I hope you liked the photo frame! I know it wasn't a lot, but I saw it and immediately thought of you!! I've really enjoyed getting to know you!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI love it ! It's blue and cute and I really like it <3
IzbrišiI liked getting to know you too! :)
Aaaaa kak kul!!!!! Vidjela sam projekte s razglednicama, ali ovo još nisam vidjela. Awesome!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDaaa totalno je zakon :D
IzbrišiPoanta je u tome da šalješ male darove i upoznaš hrpu ljudi. Ja sam bila tako hepi kada su mi mailovi stizali xD. A tek kad je pošiljka stigla... Nitko sretniji od mene haha