četvrtak, 5. rujna 2013.

Snail Mail Collective Experience !

You wonder what this is ? Melyssa form  The Nectar Collective nad Chelsea from Lost In Travels came up with an creative idea to connect with bloggers around the globe. It is like pen pals but you get paired with another person every month and you have to send a cute little package and a postcard. First you get to know your partner for two weeks (reading each others blogs and by e - mail) and then you send a package with a postcard or a little letter.

I joined this awesome idea last month and I was paired with wonderful Samantha from Life Is But A Stream Of Thoughts. She is a very nice 20 year old girl who studies Bio Psychology in North Carolina. Her father is in the US Army and she has a pretty big family. I must say that the pairing was a total success because we both love nail polish! I really enjoyed reading her blog and getting to know her. She is in a sorority and I knew almost nothing about that kind of life (here in Croatia we don't have sororities and we live with our parents until we are 30, lame I know).

So we mailed for two weeks and got to know each other and sent our gifts. The theme we needed to follow this month was "Under the sea" and I will show you now what I've got.

The package (I put some stickers on so you can't see my address ;))
Inside and a cute note
The cutest photo frame ever !

I loved this and I already signed up for September! If you are interested in this kinds of stuff and you want to meet people online and send and get cute packages I would advise you to check this out !
Go HERE and sign up !

I hope you will have as much fun as I did.

4 komentara:

  1. I hope you liked the photo frame! I know it wasn't a lot, but I saw it and immediately thought of you!! I've really enjoyed getting to know you!

    1. I love it ! It's blue and cute and I really like it <3
      I liked getting to know you too! :)

  2. Aaaaa kak kul!!!!! Vidjela sam projekte s razglednicama, ali ovo još nisam vidjela. Awesome!

    1. Daaa totalno je zakon :D
      Poanta je u tome da šalješ male darove i upoznaš hrpu ljudi. Ja sam bila tako hepi kada su mi mailovi stizali xD. A tek kad je pošiljka stigla... Nitko sretniji od mene haha
